Pathways 2 Freedom’s Impact

Pathways to Freedom is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping those who have been incarcerated re-enter society. Through community-led efforts, Pathways to Freedom works to create positive economic outcomes for its citizens.

Success Story

We are inspired by the people who cross our path and the efforts they make to take back their life and their freedom. Sharing their stories helps to inspire others who enter our program. Meet David Vieira, a recent participant of the Pathways 2 Freedom program who has recently established his own business in New Bedford. Fun 107 wrote a great article, you can learn more about Davids inspriring story by clicking the link below.

A core part of Pathways to Freedom’s success is its focus on providing employment opportunities for those who are looking to re-enter society and regain their freedom.

Helping Individuals Become Productive Members of Society

Pathways to Freedom offers their signature program designed to help people become productive members of society again. Our signature program includes mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, education, financial literacy, job placement and more. Our program focuses on physical health, emotional wellbeing, addiction management and treatment. All these programs are geared towards helping individuals develop new skills that will enable them achieve long term stability when re-entering society.

The impact of this community led effort has immense benefits to not only the individuals we serve, but also our communities. Furthermore, the economic benefits of such initiatives cannot be overlooked as individuals with stable employment usually contribute positively towards their local economies leading to more financial stability within communities at large which further strengthens social bonds between citizens and reduces tensions between different groups in society.

Take the Next Step

If you or someone you know could benefit form our program, please use the link below to contact us and one of our support navigators will reach out to you as soon as possible.